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Severe Weather

We know Australian weather can be unpredictable, and a higher probability of severe weather events adds an increased risk to transport, shipping & logistics, and machinery & equipment business owners and operators.

NTI is here to help 

Severe weather can escalate quickly, so equipping yourself with an action plan ahead of time, communicating that plan across the business, and checking weather warning systems is essential for preparing for severe weather and keeping your business running.

In the event your business is affected by a weather event, NTI’s Claims Team is ready to support customers 24/7, and is experienced in dealing with Australia’s extreme conditions.

Lodge and manage claims:

Trauma counselling is also available to help customers at the time of the incident and after. 

Severe weather advice from our Risk Engineers

Preparation tips

  • Route changes and communication

    Identify alternate routes and highlight fuel stops and rest stops. Be prepared for new rest stops and refueling locations when routes and loading locations change.

    Communicate with your customers when moving to alternate routes and delivery time frames. Estimate cost changes of alternate routes and agree with the customer.

  • Cost changes

    Detours and route changes will change the delivery cost, so make sure contracts have allowances for different loading locations and extra travel distances.

  • Assist staff

    Nominate staff who may need assistance in accessing depots or trucks, or getting home, including temporary accommodation if required.

  • Fatigue management and demand increase

    Detours and longer travel times will change your fatigue calculations; plan for any changes. 

    Disruption to rail links will increase road transport requirements, so be ready to ‘flex’ if required. 

  • Site maintenance and operations 

    Ensure no loose parts or equipment are lying around and pump out wash bay sumps to prevent overflow and oily water runoff.

    If the power goes off, you’ll have no cameras, alarms or security gates – have backup plans in place to keep your site(s) safe. 

    Establish remote working capabilities in case your office or depot is not operational.

  • Rosters and parking

    Update your park-up plan and staff roster so you can relocate equipment in the event of severe weather.

FAQs for customers during a weather event

  • Customers seeking to lodge a claim can do so by reaching out to their broker, or contacting NTI directly via our 24/7 NTI Accident Assist number on 1800 NTI NOW (1800 684 669).

  • Please have the below details on hand when making your claim:

    • Policy number
    • Vehicle registration number
    • Drivers licence
    • Information about what happened (including any supporting documents, eg. police report)
    • Any identifying equipment model badges
    • VIN number
    • A wide shot of damaged area
    • Image of the equipment in the damage zone  
    • Photos of all panels of your equipment 
    • Your odometer
    • Equipment interior
  • An NTI Claims Manager will evaluate the damage at lodgement time to determine next steps. NTI will endeavour to contact you within 4 business hours of your broker (or you) notifying NTI of your claim.

  • Please take photos of your damaged personal items. Create a list and locate as many receipts as possible. Your Claims Manager will discuss all potential losses.  

  • Laws vary across Australia regarding when an item needs to be written off. NTI will advise if it’s repairable and talk you through your options after it’s assessed.

  • Yes. NTI offers you choice of repairer, however our accredited Premium Repairer Network is designed to meet any repair need. Our network of trusted Premium and Local Repairers is rapidly expanding across Australia, with over 50 repairers nationwide. We are confident your repair can be done close to home! For more information visit our website   

Downloadable Resources

  • Flood Mitigation Guide

    Having a detailed and thorough plan to cope with flood events can help reduce the overall impact and loss on your business to help you recover quicker.

    Find out more
  • Guide to Developing a Business Continuity Plan

    A BCP outlines critical information a business requires in order to continue operations during an unforeseen event.

    Find out more
  • La Nina: Preparation and risk management guide

    Every few years we hear about La Nina and its opposite, El Nino. They're a pair of weather patterns caused by the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Find out all you need to know about the weather risks and what you can do to prepare and manage your risk.

    Find out more
  • Preparing for Bushfire Checklist

    This checklist provides a starting point to consider what actions you might take or are suitable for your business, location & circumstance.

    Find out more

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